kona kai resort sign at the main entrance

Hotel Deals in Key Largo, FL

Offers at the Kona Kai

Book Ahead & Save Big!

Plan ahead and enjoy 15% off when you stay with us for 2 nights or more. Whether it's a weekend getaway or a midweek break, lock in your savings now and relax later.
A little planning goes a long way!

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Locals Get 10% Off

Even those who live here deserve to experience a new level of tropical bliss. That’s why Florida residents enjoy a 10% discount off their Kona Kai stay.

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Senior Savings

AARP members receive a special discount at Kona Kai with proof of membership.

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Members-Only Discount

Become a member of the Kona Kai Resort to enjoy exclusive discounts among other perks, and the inside scoop on resort news, promotions and special events.

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A Hero's Reward

We celebrate those who serve. Emergency medical professionals, police officers, firefighters, rescuers and active duty military members receive our gratitude and a special 10% discount at Kona Kai.

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